Upcoming events.
WiRE x OEN Student Table ft. Lesley Gallinger
We are excited to announce that Lesley Gallinger. President & CEO Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO), will be the featured speaker at the February OEN Luncheon.
Before the luncheon commences, students and young professionals will have the chance to network with seasoned professionals and industry leaders. During the luncheon, they will be seated at the WiRE student table.
This event is more than a simple networking opportunity; it's about igniting your career in the energy industry.
Secure your spot now, as seats are limited. Please note that WiRE reserves the right to prioritize spots for students who have not attended this event in the past. If you have any questions, please reach out to Haida Liu (hliu@womeninrenewableenergy.ca).
Lesley Gallinger Biography
Under the leadership of Lesley Gallinger, the IESO oversees the safe and reliable operation of Ontario’s bulk electricity system, ensuring affordable electricity is available when and where people need it. As part of its mandate to plan and prepare for the future, the IESO works with sector partners to identify energy needs, develop supply options, drive innovation, and harness data and information for decision-making. The IESO also delivers energy efficiency and demand management programs that contribute to the cost-effectiveness and reliability of Ontario’s power system.
Throughout her career, Ms. Gallinger has focused on driving strategic change within complex organizations to deliver shareholder and stakeholder value. Prior to joining the IESO, she served as President and Chief Executive Officer of Elexicon Energy, a large municipally-owned electricity distributor in Ontario, which she led through a sizeable merger integration. She has also held senior roles in the electricity sector that include Chief Strategy and Financial Officer at the Electrical Safety Authority as well as VP, Corporate and Regulatory Affairs and Chief Financial Officer at Oakville Hydro.
Ms. Gallinger sits on several boards, including the Ontario Energy Network, where she is Past Chair, and the Nuclear Waste Management Organization. Prior to joining the IESO she also served on the boards of the Ontario Energy Association and the Electricity Distributors Association. She holds a Master of Business Administration from the Schulich School of Business at York University, is a Chartered Professional Accountant and a Certified Public Accountant (Illinois). She has also completed the Chartered Director and Audit Committee Certified program at the DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University.
WiRE x McGill Financing the Building Decarbonization Transition
Join us at McGill University’s Thomson House Ballroom on Thursday, February 20th, from 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM to hear from industry experts from Deloitte, Desjardins, Econoler and more on how to finance the building decarbonization sector. This panel is hosted by the Council on Women of Energy and Environmental Leadership (CWEEL), part of the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE Canada East), and Women in Renewable Energy (WiRE), and is sponsored by the Sustainable Growth Initiative (SGI) from McGill University - Desautels Faculty of Management. We welcome all students and professionals from various levels, disciplines, and industries for an insightful panel that will be followed by a networking session with light food and refreshments. We look forward to seeing you there!
Les Elles dans le Vent
Informations générales
L'événement a lieu à la Fabrik 8, 7236 rue Waverly, Montréal, Québec, H2R 0C2
Il y a une limite de 160 places.
Membres Nergica
Les membres Nergica bénéficient d'un rabais de 15% à leur inscription au Colloque !
Vous aimeriez avoir de l’information sur les avantages membre de Nergica?
Visitez la section Devenez membre.
Coûts d'inscription
Lève tôt | Avant le 11 novembre 2024
589 $
Tarif régulier | Après le 11 novembre 2024
678 $
Tarif 5 à 7 SEULEMENT
95 $
L'inscription inclut
Les frais d’inscription à l'événement comprennent :
Les conférences
Les panels d’experts
Le dîner, la pause et le cocktail
Les activités de réseautage
Les frais d’inscription ne couvrent pas l’hébergement, les repas non prévus au programme, les déplacements, les frais de stationnements et les autres dépenses engagées par les participants. Chaque participant doit avoir réglé ses frais d’inscription avant l’événement. Les inscriptions ne sont en aucun cas remboursables.
Vous devez payer la totalité de vos frais d’inscription en ligne. Les tarifs indiqués ne comprennent pas les taxes applicables. Les frais d’inscription sont établis selon la catégorie de membre au moment de l’inscription. Ils ne seront pas modifiés rétroactivement advenant un changement au statut de membre.
AUCUN REMBOURSEMENT N'EST APPLICABLE. Nous sommes conscients que certains imprévus peuvent parfois survenir. Vous pouvez donc céder votre place à un autre membre de votre organisation en communiquant au préalable avec la coordonnatrice aux événements . Notez qu’aucune substitution ne sera autorisée au moment de l’événement.
Annulation ou modification par l’organisateur de l’événement
Dans l’éventualité où Nergica serait forcé d’annuler ou modifier l’événement, les participants en seront informés dès que possible. Nergica remboursera alors 100 % des frais d’inscription payés, pourvu que le participant adresse une demande par écrit à la coordonnatrice aux événements.
Retards ou annulation du transport aérien ou maritime
Nergica n’est en aucun cas responsable des retards ou des annulations de vol. Par conséquent, en cas de tempête ou de mauvaises conditions météo qui empêcheraient les participants de se rendre à l’événement ou qui occasionneraient des retards, Nergica ne versera aucun remboursement.
Renseignements personnels
Les informations qui figurent dans le formulaire d’inscription seront utilisées uniquement à des fins d’administration et pour communiquer avec vous.
Matériel audiovisuel
Certaines images captées lors de l’événement seront utilisées sur nos différentes plateformes de communication et de promotion. Si vous ne souhaitez pas que des photos sur lesquelles vous apparaissez soient publiées, veuillez nous en aviser.
Restrictions alimentaires, besoins particuliers et handicaps
Prenez soin de nous faire part, lors de votre inscription, de tout handicap, adaptation, allergie alimentaire, ou autres besoins particuliers en communiquant avec la coordonnatrice aux événements.
WiRE Ontario, Grant Thornton Meetup ft. Female Energy Leaders of Ontario
WiRE Ontario, Grant Thornton Meetup ft. Female Energy Leaders of Ontario
When: Wednesday June 26, 2024
Time: 5:30pm to 7:30pm
Where: 11th Floor, 200 King St. West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Cost: $20+tax for professionals, $10+tax for students
All proceeds raised go towards WiRE events, initiatives, and operations. We thank you for your support!
Join WiRE Ontario and Grant Thornton for an evening of networking and inspiration with some of Ontario's most prolific female energy leaders. Hear from our panelists about their experiences, challenges, and successes in the energy industry. You'll also have the opportunity to network with other professionals in the energy sector. Light catering will be provided.
Featured Panelists:
Shelley Babin - President & CEO, Atura Power
Brenda MacDonald - Sr. VP, Growth, Commercial and Supply Chain, OPG
Sushma Narisetty - Director, Standards Energy Transition Grid Rate, Toronto Hydro
Don't miss this opportunity to learn from and connect with some of Ontario's top female energy leaders!
5:30 pm to 6:00 pm - Networking
6:00 pm to 6:45 pm - Introduction and Panel discussion
6:45 pm to 7:00 pm - Q & A
7:00 pm to 7:25 pm - Networking
7:25 pm to 7:30 pm - Closing remarks
Learn more about Grant Thornton LLP